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<Khaos Burns> Professional, Heavyweight, Customizable, Removable Wick, 3-in-1, Fire Dragon Staff.


~Pro Kit~

>This Package comes with a fully kitted out staff, An extra set of wicks, And a wick carrying bag!

You Choose the Head Color(Satin Finish), And color of the exposed metal wrap. Comes with clear silicone tube grip, Exposed Metal wrap, Painted Heads for Ultimate Grip and Performance!<

Save $105+ By Grabbing this Package


Through many years of spinning fire all over western Canada, At festivals, And local spots, And designing Dragon Staffs for personal use,  Khaos Burns has designed a fool proof, Durable, Clean & Easy to use Dragon Staff that meets the needs and demanding nature of professional fire spinners world wide.

And now its available to the public! 


Customize your staff in every way. Choose your grip color, material, and texture, or even add some fireproof paint to the heads to add your custom flare!

Both portable, And sturdy, These Khaos Burns 3-in-1 Dragon Staffs take just seconds to setup and takedown, And the easily replaceable hardened steel and kevlar wicks stow away in a bag to keep things clean, and the staff easy to pack. (If you have ever tried to pack a dragon staff into a loaded car you will know the issues and mess this causes)

Totally Customizable:

With several choices for staff Length, Grip material and sponginess, Grip & Head Color, And Grip Texture, And Exposed Metal Wrap, You will be able to build your Ultimate Staff custom made to order.

*Due To Webstore variation limitations, Color Choices Must Be Sent in An email to . View Customizing your staff info panel for more info



-  3 in 1. Can Be Used As A Regular Staff, Contact Staff, or Dragon Staff

- High Strength, high Durability, Custom Machined Heads (Can Be Painted. Flat Finish +$20. Gloss Finish +$30)

- 12x Removable Wicks For Clean And Easy transport (8 Large, 4 Small)

- Set Up & Tear Down In Just Seconds!

- Solid Single Piece Staff Design.

- Lightweight and Strong aluminum shaft

- Solid Wood Core For Extra Strength And Durability

- Your Choice Of Various Super Sticky Grip Materials 

- 2” x 18" Kevlar Wicks For Extended Burn Time, And large Flames

- Professionally Weighted, Heavy Staff For Improved Control in Gravity Defying Stunts

-Choose Exposed Metal Wrap To prevent burns!

-1 Year Warranty On The Staff & Heads(More info Below)



-6 removable Wicks Per Side. 4 large, 2 small.

- Available In Various Lengths including:

    5’, 5’4”, 5’6”, 5’8”, and 6’ Or Custom Made to Order.

          (Length should be bwteen your shoulder and the top

           of your head. Personally, I prefer a longer staff)

- High Tack Staff Grips for Precise Control

- Custom Machined Aluminum Heads, Permanently Mounted To the Staff

- Removable Wicks. Easy to transport

- 2” Kevlar Wicks

- Designed & Hand Made in Calgary Ab By Khaos Bikes Garage


When you place an order, You must let me know what color of grips you want based on your choice in the cart, What color of hed paint, What color of metal covering you want And what type of grip you want. Email these specifications to once your order is placed


Choose From the Following:

-Wrap Colors (View Photos For Some Examples)

-Wrap Texture (If you chose custom wrap. View photos) Lizard skin,Other tacky compounds

-Head Color: Orange, Blue, Red, Yellow, Black, White

-Head Paint Finish Flat or Satin

-Exposed Covering Color: Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Black


*Staff Should Not Be Used On Hard Surfaces. Dropping Them Will Damage The Staff*

Khaos Burns~*PRO KIT Fire Dragon Staff w/ Removable Wicks *Customize Yours Today

Head Paint Color
Exposed Metal Wrap Color
  • -Warranty Info-

    -Warranty Covers Damage To The Staff Itself, And The Custom Made heads, Incurred Through Normal Use, Such as Minor Bends, Stripped Threads, and In The Rare case the Staff Breaks from regular use.

    -Warranty Does Not Cover Deliberate Misuse, Abuse, Neglect, Broken In Half Staffs Due to Doors Being Closed On Them, Having Them Stepped on  Or Other negligence, Nor does it cover the consumable wicks. In the extremely unlikely event the wicks break, bend or  otherwise fail, it will be the users responsibility to replace them at their own expense.

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